Saturday 27 December 2008

Emerging Markets: international competition hots up

The most popular study abroad destinations are US, UK, Australia, Germany and Canada. Those markets currently have the lion's share of the estimated global market of around 2 million students who choose to study abroad each year.

However competition looks set to increase with several emerging markets actively seeking to expand their market share.

Foreign students in Japan now stand at about 124,000, a significant increase on previous years. The main source markets are China, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Malaysia currently hosts approximately 63,000 foreign students and expects that number to grow to 80,000 by 2010. The main source markets are Indonesia, China and Iran.

There are about 50,000 foreign students studying in India

The international education market is predicted to grow to 3.7 million students per year by 2025. As the market grows so too it seems will the competition between the countries vying for the attention of international students.

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