Thursday 11 December 2008

Australia: Cookery and Hairdressing courses to get the chop

It is widely expected that the Australian Government will soon remove hairdressing and cookery courses from the list of employment skills in short supply in Australia.

If it happens, vocational colleges specialising in hair dresssing and cookery courses are likley to feel the pinch.

Currently international students who complete courses in hairdressing and cookery are entitled to extra migration points for applications for permanent residency in Australia because the two trades are on the Migration Occupations in Demand List

If the two occupations are removed they become less attractive options for international students and colleges that offer the courses are likely to see a significant drop in enrolments. Some industry observers are predicting business closures and job losses.

The Australian Council for Private Education and Training, has reportedly lobbied the Australian Government on this issue, and has called for appropriate transitional arrangements for students and colleges. The current economic environment is ACPET's favour. The Government is unlikely to want to make decisions which result in job losses - at least not for the moment.

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