Thursday 11 September 2008

ESOS compliance - don't get caught out

Between 2001 and 2007 the Department of Education, Science and Training conducted 405 compliance monitoring visits and issued 252 notices. See full report.

The breaches that were of most concern to DEST were:

  • Misleading information provided on duration or cost of courses, or nature of facilities.
  • Provider unable to deliver course or pay refunds to students.
  • Delays in processing requests for refund of fees, and/or not informing students of their entitlements.
  • Advertising courses not registered on CRICOS.

Most common breaches found by DEST:

  • Delay or failure to report students whose attendance or academic progress is unsatisfactory.

Failure to meet your ESOS obligations is likley to cost you significant time and money. Don't get caught out. Use ecomply to meet your compliance obligations.

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