Monday 19 January 2009

Financial Crisis cuts international student numbers

Within one day of each other Australian and Canadian newspapers have run stories on the drop in international student numbers caused by the global financial crisis.

On 19 January The Australian reported that most Australian institutions are seeing an increase in student deferrals and are anticipating a drop off in international students numbers. The national peak body for English language colleges, English Australia, confirmed a decline in enrollments from Asian markets, with Japanese and Korean markets leading the fall.

On 20 January the Vancouver Sun reported a 5-7% drop in international student enrollments in B.C schools, with Korea leading the decline.

Like most industries, international education is in uncharted waters when it comes to the impact of the financial crisis. The prospect for long term market growth remain strong, but the short term effects of the current crisis will probably only become apparent over the course of 2009.

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