Friday 27 March 2009

You Tube EDU launches

You Tube has just launched You Tube EDU which is their way of collecting and making it easier for You Tube users to access educational content on the site.

For more info check out the TechCrunch story.

Institutions have to apply to You Tube to get their channels listed on You Tube EDU. At this stage they are only accepting "qualifying two- and four-year degree granting public and private colleges and universities" (see sign up page)

The launch of You Tube EDU is an important development for any institution which already has, or is considering implementing, an internet video marketing strategy.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Singapore rising

The number of international students in Singapore has risen 50% in the last five years. In 2008 there were 97,000 international students in Singapore, up from 86,000 in 2007.

This strong growth is a further indicator that emerging international education markets like Singapore and Malaysia continue to make significant gains in grabbing a piece of the international student pie.

These emerging markets may also benefit from the global financial crisis, with students in Asia and India looking for more affordable education options.

It will be interesting to see if the strong growth trend continues.